UCC partners with Central Missouri GoalKeeping Academy for specific goalkeeping training sessions that will be run by former UCC goalie, Eli Chapman. The Junior Elite Training Program will consist of players that are age 13 and under. The Senior Elite Training Program will consist of players that are age 14 and over. 

United Capital City Athletic Goalkeeping Program - Spring 2025

11v11: 6:30-8pm Monday & Wednesday; 5:00-6:30 Tuesday

7v7/9v9: 5:00-6:30pm Monday & Wednesday; 6:30-8pm Tuesday

4v4: 5-6pm Thursday & Friday

(Every program will cover certain aspects of the Foundational 15, which are goalkeeping

skills and techniques players will learn in each program)

Foundational 15

1. Catching - (All programs)

2. Positioning - (All programs)

3. Footwork - (All programs)

4. Passing - (All programs)

5. Throwing - (All programs)

6. Ground Dives - (All programs)

7. Key Word Communication - (All programs)

8. Punts - (7v7/9v9 & 11v11)

9. Goal Kicks - (7v7/9v9 & 11v11)

10. Forward Dives - (7v7/9v9 & 11v11)

11. Tactical Awareness - (7v7/9v9 & 11v11)

12. Set Pieces - (7v7/9v9 & 11v11)

13. Corners - (7v7/9v9 & 11v11)

14. Punching - (7v7/9v9 & 11v11)

15. 1v1’s - (7v7/9v9 & 11v11)

NOTE: The 11v11 program will also teach top hand saves and how to land safely on the ground. I do NOT consider top hand saves to be a foundational aspect of my programs.

Session Structure

Each session will have the following structure:

• Warm Up

• Footwork - (Goalkeeper Specific)

• Muscle Development - (Goalkeeper Specific)

• Foundational 15 - (Goalkeeper Specific)

Session Details (Warm Up)

1. Two Jogs

2. High Knees

3. Glute Kicks

4. Open Gate

5. Close Gate

6. Toy Soldiers

7. Backwards Leg Kicks

8. Lateral Side to Side Stretch

9. Cherry Pickers

10. Sidekicks

11. Side Shuffle Cross Arm Swings

12. Skips

13. Skips with Arm Circles Forward

14. Skips with Arm Circles Backward

15. Skips with a Twist

Session Details (Footwork)

1. Ladder Work: Goalkeepers will improve footwork through ladder work, in which

goalkeepers will hold a soccer ball in front of them while performing the correct

footwork technique. The footwork includes one step, two step, two in-one out, two in-two

out, two step sideways, karaoke, lateral up-downs, and single leg in and outs.

2. Cone Work: Goalkeepers will improve footwork through completing cone drills such as

four corners, figure eight and tight circle.

3. Hurdle Work: Goalkeepers will learn spacing and angles when training hurdle footwork.

Often diving and other movements are restricted due to deficient spacing of feet and body

movement. The goal of hurdle work is to make spacing for athletic movements more

comfortable to manage, so that keepers can have efficient movement. (ONLY 7v7/9v9


4. Training Sticks: As a higher-level version of cone and ladder work, goalkeepers will now

be simulating footwork around more impeding obstacles. The footwork stays the same, so

goalkeepers will have to learn more body control along with footwork for the training

sticks. (ONLY 11v11)

Session Details (Muscle Development)

4v4 Program

Core/Abdominal Exercises:

- Side Planks

- Front Planks

- Crunches

- Dead Bugs

- Butterflies

- Straight Leg Holds

Lower Body Exercises:

- Lunge Holds

- Wall Sits

- Burpees

- Two Footed Jumps Over Hurdle

- Single Leg Bounds

- Single Leg Side to Side Leaps

- Single Leg Jump Over Cone Side to Side

Band Variation:

- Wide Squat Hold

- Side To Side Shuffle

- Glute Bride

- Lateral Band Walk

7v7/9v9 Program

Core/Abdominal Exercises:

- Side Planks

- Front Planks

- Crunches

- Butterflies-Dead Bugs

- Straight Leg Holds

- Bicycle

Lower Body Exercises:

- 50-yard lunges (3-5 second hold)

- Wall Sits

- Jump Rope

- Burpees

- Box Jumps

- Single Leg Hops Over Hurdle

- Single Leg Hops Over Hurdle Side to Side

- Single Leg Bounds

- Single Leg Side to Side Leaps

Band Variation:

- Wide Squat Hold

- Side To Side Shuffle

- Glute Bridge

- Lateral Band Walk

- Leg Extension

-Leg Curles

- Front Squat

11v11 Program

Core/Abdominal Exercises:

- Side Planks

- Front Planks

-Dead Bugs

- Butterflies

- Crunches

- Straight Leg Holds

- Bicycle

- Straight Leg Holds Side To Side

- Scissors

Lower Body Exercises:

- 100-yard lunges (3-5 second hold)

- Tuck Jumps Over Rope

- Box Jumps

- Jump Rope- Alternating Single Leg Jump (Bleachers)

- Burpees

- Wall Sits

- Weighted Calf Raises

- Single Leg Hops Over Hurdle

- Single Leg Hops Over Hurdle Side to Side

- Single Leg Bounds

- Single Leg Leaps Side to Side

Band Variation:

- Wide Squat Hold

- Side to Side Shuffle

- Lateral Band Walk

- Glute Bridge

- Leg Extension

- Leg Curles

- Front Squat

- Standing Adduction

- Clamshell

-Plantar Flexion

- Seated Adduction

Reverse Crunch

- Anti Rotation Band Walkout